
Caregiver Course


This Caregiver Course contains teaching materials intended for Registered Nurses (hjúkrunarfræðingar) and Licensed Practical Nurses (sjúkraliðar) to use when teaching care assistants (starfsmenn í umönnun). The aim of this course is to provide basic knowledge to people who will be working as care assistants under the guidance of Registered Nurses or Licensed Practical Nurses. The course gives and insight into the job as well as lessons and training in certain areas that are important when providing care to people. The course consists of recordings of lectures, topics for discussions with the instructor, tasks for demonstrations by the instructor and tasks for the care assistant to perform under guidance. The course is in 7 parts with an accompanying manual for the care assistant.


Manual and instructions

Alzheimersamtökin. (e.d.). https://www.alzheimer.is

Guðrún Dóra Guðmannsdóttir, Ingibjörg Hjaltadóttir, Jakobína Rut Daníelsdóttir og Sigurlaug Björk J. Fjeldsted (2020) Umönnunarnámskeið öldrunardeilda Landspítala [kennsluefni].

Líknarráðgjafateymi Landspítala (2017). Klínískar leiðbeiningar um Líknarmeðferð (2. Útgáfa). Sótt í mars 2023 af:https://www.landspitali.is/library/Sameiginlegar-skrar/Gagnasafn/BRUNNURINN/Kliniskar-leidbeiningar/Liknarmedferd/Liknarmedferd.pdf

Landspítali (e.d.) Byltur og byltuvarnir. Sótt í mars 2023 af: https://www.landspitali.is/fagfolk/reglur-leidbeiningar-handbaekur-og-frettabref/byltur-og-byltuvarnir/

Landspítali (e.d.) Líkamsbeiting og færslutækni við umönnun sjúklinga. Sótt í mars 2023 af: https://vimeo.com/groups/527560

Landspítali (e.d.) Óráð er óráð. Sótt í mars 2023 af: https://www.landspitali.is/fagfolk/reglur-leidbeiningar-handbaekur-og-frettabref/orad-er-orad/

Landspítali (e.d.) Þrýstingssáravarnir. Sótt í mars 2023 af: https://www.landspitali.is/fagfolk/reglur-leidbeiningar-handbaeku r-og-frettabref/thrystingssaravarnir/

Røsvik, J., Brønstad, A., Lepperød, T., Stegen, A., Taranrød,  L. B. og Øverland, L. (2016). Dette Må Jeg Kunne: introduksjon til helse- og omsorgsarbeid (3. útgáfa). Sem, Noregi: Nasjonal kompetansetjeneste for aldring og helse.

Touhy, T., og Jett, K. (2021).  Ebersole and Hess’ Gerontological nursing & healthy aging (6. útgáfa).  Louis: Elsevier, Mosby.



Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Now watch these videos on how to use assistive devices and how to perform transfer techniques correctly in this: Færslutækni við umönnun -  on Vimeo

Now watch this video that shows pericare for women and men: Pericare (New) – YouTube

Part 4

Now watch these videos on denture care for full and partial dentures from the Directorate of Health:

Also watch these videos on oral care for unconscious patients from Wings Healthcare Training in Oklahoma, USA:

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

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