

Further information for applicants who do not speak Icelandic or have an Icelandic medical licence

Before you can start a postgraduate training program in a chosen speciality in Iceland, it is mandatory according to regulation nr. 856/2023 to take a rotating internship year, foundation year (sérnámsgrunnur). Please see information about the Icelandic foundation year on the following page (only in Icelandic): http://www.landspitali.is/sgl
If you select „Fyrir umsækjendur “, you will find information about how to apply for the Icelandic foundation training. 

If you have completed comparable training through another internship, you will need to file for an assessment through the internship committee. For further information please contact the chair of that committee: Inga Sif Ólafsdóttir, ingasif@landspitali.is

All applicants are welcome to apply for sérnámsgrunnur. Requirements are that:

  • Applicants must have a valid medical degree before starting the foundation year from a university which is internationally recognized
  • Applicants must provide a Certificate of Confirmity (Letter of Confirmity) from their university, according to requirements from the Directorate of Health (Embætti Landlæknis)
  • Applicants must have an Icelandic medicial licence before starting Sérnámsgrunnur.

Applicants who are graduates from universities outside of the EU/EEA region will be evaluated by the Directorate of health and can expect to be asked to undergo examination at the University of Iceland and work a trial period of six months to get an Icelandic medical licence according to regulation nr. 483/2023.

For the application to be processed, those who do not have Icelandic as native language need to provide a certificate of B2 proficiency in Icelandic, according to the common European Framework of Reference for Languages from a certified language school. Applicants need to be able to discuss matters of health-related issues with patients, collegues and other members of staff in Icelandic. Furthermore, applicants need to acquire knowledge on the Icelandic healthcare system and local laws and regulations.